The Week of February 9th
It surely is a beautiful morning...if you're not me. I'm sorry, that's a horrible way to start off a talk with some of my favorite people. Let me rephrase:
Thursdays suck. There, a little more optimistic. I'm sitting here at work, doing my homework for all four of my classes today, not looking forward to my second shift tonight, and through it all...I may have mono. Yeah, this week is not one of my strongest. But it could all be worse...
Or can it? I'm currently sitting at my desk with one of my textbooks opened to my homework page. But I'm not doing it right now. Because my eggs have been boiling for far too long on this topic of pure...boilage. So, without further ado...
You know what really boils my egg?
Mathematics. All mathematics. Every kind of mathematics. From logic to geometry, from algebra to line graphs, it just seems like there is nothing positive coming from numbers. Unless, of course, it is a paycheck (but my last paycheck is arriving late for some reason...that's a boiled egg for another time).
Is there no escape for this doomed subject? Is there no escape for me? I was told that I wouldn't have to take a math course for my major. Of course, I was led astray with this knowledge. So now I have to retake a math course I took my freshman year of high school. Oh happy days.
Here's the kicker: I like my math teacher. She's fun and she makes the course a little easier. But, at times, it remains unbearable. She tries to relate it to the real world, but to no avail. Listen, I'm going into secondary education and history (or perhaps english, still debating inside my brain). I don't need to know circumference or how to make truth tables. Please, spare me the unnecessary crap and deliver me from this nightmare!
At least it's just mathematical ideas. It's not like my senior year in high school. That was trigonometry. That was Hell. Every other answer I gave felt like a complete guess to me. But, of course, I had to take it. Shouldn't everyone know how to interpret the angle at which a kite is flying at? I mean, this is necessary information!! I HAVE BEEN ENRICHED WITH THE ESSENTIALS OF LIFE!!
Ow. Should not have done that. Forgot about my sore throat. But my sarcasm had to be expressed. It just had to. But, hey, I'm here for the long haul, so I gotta deal with it. In closing, I leave you all with another life-interpreting quote that will make you think mathematically for a change:
"It is a mathematical fact that fifty percent of all doctors graduate in the bottom half of their class." -Author Unknown
guessss what? I finally did my blog. go read it! oh and i am trying to follow your blog but i cant find where you do that... did you hide the "follow blog" link?
Hey, to follow it, go into your blogger dashboard, scroll down to the reading list, then click add. Then add it by the website name (http:// and what not). :-D