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I am a sophomore in college. I like to complain about menial tidbits of the world around me.


It is boiled. Very boiled.

The Week of February 2nd

Good afternoon everyone. It's a beautiful, snowwy day outside...and I'm laying in bed. Yes, that's right, I'm not enjoying the great wintery outdoors. Perhaps it's because of my lethargy from pulling an all-nighter the other night for the free Denny's breakfast. Perhaps it is because I took a spill yesterday outside and strained some muscles in my leg. Whatever the case, I am here.

An update for everyone! As some of you may have noticed, I added a polling system. I'll be adding a new poll that will be up for a week straight and I will be tallying the votes within each new blog. So, I would LOVE it if you would participate! In addition, if you can give me reasons why you chose your answer in the comment section of my blog entries, I would love to talk with you about it!

Last poll had the question of what was your favorite Dr. Pepper flavor. Seeing as how many of you did not know I had the poll, I only received two tallies; one for original, and one for neither. Which goes to show you how divided we all are...in our soda decision-making.

Well anyways, it is about time I begin what I love to do most. I spoke with one of my classmates and blogging peers Cathrynne. She informed me of what boils HER egg (I did not charge her a trademarking fee). When she brought it up, I couldn't help but feel the exact same way. My eggs were steaming up like a tea kettle. So, to explain my above picture...

You know what really boils my egg?

Miley "Hannah Montana" Cyrus. It's about time someone knocks some sense into that bimbo's head. If you take a close look at the aforementioned picture, you will see a group of people around their Asian-American friend, and mocking his race. Now, here's the kicker. If you look at
the very center of the picture, you will see the teen sensation joining in on this "festive" occasion.

You gotta be kidding me, Miley. Won't you ever learn? Pictures always leak out to the public when you're a famous star. I know you want to live a normal teen life of just messing around, but you can't have both fame and freedom from the press. You should have learned that when you decided to take stupid self-photos of yourself being trampy. I empathize your need for freedom, but everything you choose comes at a price.

Not to mention this picture can be considered horribly offensive to many people. You went out of your way to use your fingers to make your eyes smaller. Now, given, I used to do this myself...when I was 6 and didn't know any better. What's your next picture going to be of, your face painted black? There is no such thing as harmless fun when it is attacking an entire race of people.

I didn't like you to begin with, Hannah Montana! Your show was not that humorous to me. Maybe Disney was trying to find like a young Reba McIntyre, with the southern twang and the poppish-countryish singing voice. But at least she had singing talent and some acting talent. Perhaps my eggs wouldn't be boiling as much if your merchandise was not found absolutely everywhere. You are literally found on everything, even things that should never have a face! "Oh, mommy! I need to have Hannah Montana's face on my socks/schoolbag/cereal/dryer sheets/guitar!" If anyone as ever said that last one, about the guitar, they should give up on music altogether. Immediately.

*deep breath* Sorry, my egg was at a full boil for a majority of this blog. But I'm collected now. However, Cathrynne and I decided that this is not nearly enough to attack her on. She will be attacking Miss Cyrus herself on her blog. I assure you, it will be worth the click! You can read it here at:


So, my poll now has the new question of: What do you think of Miley "Hannah Montana" Cyrus? I would love for you to rant/rave of this in comment form to me! And, as always, I leave you all with a relatable quote:

"Fame and riches are fleeting. Stupidity is eternal." - Don Williams, Jr.

1 Response to "The Week of February 2nd"

Cathrynne Grace Says :
February 10, 2009 at 9:37 PM

hahhahahhahahahahahhaah. great post. dont worry i havent forgotten, i just didnt have time yet. I'm going to blog about her tomorow =]

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